Harry potter puzzles and spells cheat codes
Harry potter puzzles and spells cheat codes

harry potter puzzles and spells cheat codes harry potter puzzles and spells cheat codes harry potter puzzles and spells cheat codes

Try to do your best to match up special puzzle pieces as much as you can.Making those types of special puzzle piece matches can also help fill your Creature Meter at a faster rate, by the way. But when you combine similar or different special puzzle pieces, you’ll end up creating even bigger combos and row/column clearing occurrences. By themselves, these powerful pieces do amazing things when matched with other gems. This puzzler gives you plenty of special puzzle pieces to create that are super beneficial, such as the Bombastic Bomb, Severing Surge, Winged Keys, and Charmed Bag.Do You Best to Place Special Puzzle Pieces Next to Each Other and Create Major Matches So take it slow, keep an eye out for the game’s recommended matches, try to go for more +3 matches over simple three-piece matches, and try to complete each puzzle with plenty of turns remaining by the end of it.Ģ. Creating all those special puzzle pieces and completing the puzzle at hand means you’ll leave with even more XP for your player level. Do your best to always go for +3 matching opportunities so you’ll have an easier time clearing a puzzle thanks to all the special puzzle pieces you’ll create in just a few turns.You’ll run into puzzles where more than one spell can be activated, so use as little turns as possible to activate those spells before you focus on the main completion goal at hand. Keep this advice in mind, too – make it a priority of matching the pieces that fill your magic spell meter before anything else. Making basic three-piece matches are fine when you’re trying to clear special portions of the puzzle (such as jelly bean clusters and chocolate frogs), but you should make those types of matches your last resort.Nine times out of ten, those assisted matches will give you the opportunity to match more than three pieces and create a special tile piece. By waiting a few seconds, the game will give you a hand by making a matching opportunity visible to you. Every time you hop into a new puzzle, take your time and keep track of all the available matches given to you.

Harry potter puzzles and spells cheat codes